The water is clear, allowing your mind the same brilliant clarity as the Ocean around you. Kits play with the soft plumage of birds brought to them by proud gliders, in awe of their shimmering, long fins - these are the heroes their Mamas have told them about, the bravest cats in all the clans! You bask in the sun, sea foam tickling your nose as you peer above the water. Welcome, young warrior, to SpireClan.

Silverlight - Recently deceased

an ancient silver-furred tom with once-majestic, shredded flying fish wings
In his youth, Silverlight's leaps above the surface were the murmurings of awed Gathering praise. He so treasures his time spent as a glider that he lets it dictate his leadership decisions, unfortunately, hence why he went to war with Pearlcurrent to push out WraithClan. In the first attack on WraithClan, his fins (once the largest of any clan cat in history) were mangled by a vengeful WraithClan warrior.


a toothy silver tabby with yellow eyes and a long shiny tail.
Silverfang was born to a mother who would abandon her within just three crests, wounding her pride. But she never let it stop her from persevering through a cruel mentor to become a skilled glider. SpireClan pride once brimmed in her, but it seems she's growing more disillusioned with the clan, and beginning to question its ways...


blue-gray tom with prominent white markings and a yellowfin tuna fish tail
An injury early into his warrior training put him in the healer's den, where he fostered a deep fascination and respect for herbs and healing. Flickerstep left his training to become a healer, and, quiet and perceptive, he's gained much respect throughout the clans with his knack for healing.


a tall, lilac and white molly with orange eyes and a glider fish tail

a tan-and-white furred molly with impressive, strikingly green glider fins

a lithe, light blue/grey tabby with glider fins and curled fur


a small, mostly white curly furred cat with similar curled ears and the tail of a Red Cherry Shrimp
a small, muscular, scruffy dark grey tabby with white markings, strange green eyes, and a jagged scar
a lean, brown tom with mellow green eyes and a hawksbill sea turtle hind

a bicolor tom with green eyes and fluffed out fur
a small, mostly black, tortoiseshell tom with short fur and bright amber eyes.
a silver oceloid tabby with a lighter underbelly and paws, and the olive green tail of a speckled trout
a skinny blue-eyed molly with short, reddish-brown pointed fur and a kelp bass tail


a hulking, thick furred tom with green eyes and white fur marked with brown tabby patches


SpireClan cats live in the Epipelagic zone, the most effected by the rising and falling of the tides, and the weather out of any clan. Cats in this clan can enjoy bugs and birds caught by gliders along with nutrient rich tuna, shrimp, and baitfish, but access to the Sun's riches comes at a high price. When sharks do manage to breach WraithClan defenses, or breed in the reefs and travel upwards into SpireClan territory, its inhabitants are left particularly vulnerable by its bare state. Vegetation includes seaweed, kelp, and plentiful algae that almost serve as kiosks for smaller fish, attractive to seals, dolphins, and other brutes alike.

The sheer cliffside the First Cats once leapt from remains jagged and untamed. Ominously, it seems to stretch up forever into mist. It bears deep scars a testament to the eternal war between Land and Her Majesty Ocean. The most dangerous area in particular is a series of jutting, looming stones prone to rock fall. Forbidden and deadly, it's known as Terra's Crown, and during high tide, the pull of currents tugs cats to their grim deaths at the edges of the stones.

In peaceful dichotomy, the Basking Sands is a shallow pool mysteriously unaffected by waves near the cliff. It's said that the Ocean has won Her battle here, allowing for cats of all ages to come and warm themselves in the Sun. During low tide, cats can even lay out on the dry sand and enjoy the heat for a moment, so long as they are under the protection of a damp layer of sand and the watchful eyes of gliders.


When the First Cats threw themselves to the mercy of the sea, some sunk, some fled, but the bravest of them turned to the onslaught of pursuers. They knew that their deaths meant the survival of others - friends, kin, foes, and total strangers alike - that had sought a second chance at life in the sea. The moment the blood-dyed waves stopped churning and the storm above let the Sun show the Ocean the slain, She would revive them, and wove them fins from the rays that revealed them to her.


SpireClan cats are characterized by light tan, blue and grey or silver with darker backs to protect them from the Sun. It's common for them to have sharp, but non-toxic, spines and translucent fins comparable to bug wings. Most of them have lithe, long builds.

SpireClan is home to a unique tail: the revered flying fish tail. It allows for cats to leap above the surface and 'fly' for brief spurts.


Gliders are the most honored position in SpireClan, descended from the legendary first fighters and fallen of the First Cats. Gliders primarily hunt, mimicking strategies of dolphins by forcing fish to leap out of the sea, allowing for waiting peers to capture them. The most experienced and well trained use pods of sardines as bait to capture birds, or even ambush them as they rest on still waters.

Since gliders are seen as almost sacred, they are not sent into battle as representatives. It might come at the expense of their fins and thus gliding ability to be injured in battle. Though flying fish wings are an especially treasured status symbol, any cat can train to be a glider. Ray tail cats in particular tend to do even better than their flying fish peers above the water, but they simply aren't surrounded by the awe and myth flying fish tails are.

All gliders are clan idols, however. The few times in history a glider has been attacked on enemy territory, their attackers have mysteriously dissappeared.